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Registers & Census Documents

Below, you will find links to some of the School Registers which can be in the public domain

(more than 100 years old).


In addition there are copies of Census Returns for the School for the years

1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 & 1911.

The School closed in the Summer of 1940 due to perceived danger in Brighton as a result of the Second World War. The first register below spans that period. The last entrant before the school was closed was accepted in May 1940, then there was a break, with registrations resuming in September 1946.


Registers which are less than 100 years old to circa 1975 are held at The Keep.  The admissions records moved to card index from circa 1975

Please be aware that there will be a charge for accessing items at The Keep. Check out this link for more details:

 Census Returns for St Mary's Hall


 These returns make fascinating reading. For example, there used to be a Hervey Terrace between St Mary's Hall and St Mark's Church (The Spire), which was bombed on 25th May 1943, rendering The Lodge and the houses in the Terrace only fit to be demolished making way for Elliott House and the Cookery/Theatre Block which were built around 1950. There also used to be North Cottage & South Cottage on St Mary's Hall land.


Unfortunately, these are the best copies we can obtain from the online records - but are worthwhile for the historical value.

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